
Real education start here

The future is in your hands.

Control your decisions and you get what you want out of life.

Learn to get more

I'm proud of you because you are aware of the importance of education in your life.

Education means freedom

You become what you think most of the time.

You can do whatever you want

To this should not make extra effort.

Do only what is important to you

Time is limited, why wasting it on unimportant things?.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Do You Have What It Takes to Be an Entrepreneur?


Do You Have What It Takes to Be an Entrepreneur?

Ministers to order Libor bank rate review

Ministers to order Libor bank rate review

Banks are put in focus the investigation. All these things have occurred as a result of reorganization of government policies.
More people are wondering how no one was in prison for the devastating situation in financial markets.
When the financial crisis occurred? Who is responsible? Why wasn't anyone arrested?
Too much mystery to a world so well informed.

Best Motivation Video Ever

Best Motivation Video Ever

Using Social Media as a Marketing Tool

Using Social Media as a Marketing Tool

Friday, June 29, 2012

Merkel defends compromise deal on eurozone banks

Merkel defends compromise deal on eurozone banks

 Euro area under siege. If there are no solutions for Greece to Spain and Italy it was decided to issue the bonds. The same type of problems, financial, different solutions. And then comes the question: "What is the European Union?"
Why some states are obliged to borrow money from banks or the IMF, and other benefits from a financial protection?



Elements of a Business Pitch

Elements of a Business Pitch

Supreme Court says health mandate's a tax

Health insurance is a serious problem for the U.S. government. Therefore, to vehiculated idea of access to health care according to the contributions paid by the state. What will happen to those who can afford health insurance?

Supreme Court says health mandate's a tax


Euro: EU seeks new joint strategy

Eurozone tossing with every day that steps are taken to correct the deficit created. Germany is not excited by the proposals made by the negotiating partners, so solutions soon to follow.
Disseminating the idea of creating a European banking legislation to hold in check the current situation.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Start-Up Compensation and Hiring

Never Give Up On Your Goals!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Go live your life without fear

The Entrepreneurial Spirit

How to extract mail addres from FaceBook

A little help for those interested in business.
Email addresses are very important and therefore will share a method you can use with confidence.
Why email addresses, because they help to send personalized messages and reliable.
So ... enter your address and search yahoo contacts section.




Will you need an autoresponder. I chose awebwr, which cost $ 1. After you log in and do some settings you can enjoy this method.
 Or you can send a message to everyone we have on the agenda.
If you are not busy, you can send messages to promote themselves. Select all that you have in your address book and send a predefined message.


Example of a predefined message:
Subject: Confirm to receive a bonus

Message: Helo name

I want to thank you because you said about me on FB

My profile is:!/profile.php?id=100004038398633

For this I offer you a bonus

All you have to do is to access the link below

link confirmation - add your link for bonus

See you on facebook

Your name

 Thank you for having had the patience to read this article.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Small Business Success Stories

Long-Term Travel and Finding Your Passion in Life

Summits of My Life

Summits of My Life

Monday, June 25, 2012

Qatar seeks $5bn investment in China's capital market

Qatar it is applying for a licence under China's Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor to invest in its capital market.
China seems to agree with the intention of investment coming from Qatar.
This market orientation is not random, Beijing Imports Currently Almost one million tons of liquefied natural 5 gas annually.


A new low-cost website services that can help you. In short a site that helps you earn income on what you can offer.
The site can be found at:

Sunday, June 24, 2012

How to make money online

There are 11 ways to earn money online.

This requires a site in Drupal, Joomla, Blogger, Wordpress. Whatever you choose, you can use the 11 ways to make money.
Recommendation for online uninitiated, is to begin in bloggers, that requires no area allocated Net. Org. Biz and more. Besides the field, a website needs hosting space and where you keep the database that contains all the information of the site.
Recommendation .... start with bloggers.

The 11 ways of earning online:
1. Donate if you like my site
2. AdSense, AdWords
3. Affiliate Program
4.Paid advertisement from interested
5. Private forum
6. Download Guide
7. Video seminars
8. Sale items / product
9. Consulting / Coaching
10. Membership
11. Sponsorships from leading companies

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Success of Steve Jobs

A speech presenting the truths of life behind Steve Jobs

Powerful Inspirational true story

Powerful Inspirational

The Secret On Oprah

On Oprah

On Oprah

No Investor Backlash Over Banks' Credit Downgrades


Banking market surprises Moody's Investors Service (MCO) downgraded Morgan Stanley (MS), Credit Suisse Group (CS), and 13 Other Banks registered credit rating surprising.
The Defiant Were Banks themselves. Citigroup, Which took a cut from Moody's to Lowest ratings since it WAS ITS Formed 14 years ago, said in a statement: "Moody's approach is backward-looking and Fails to Recognize Citi's transformation over the past Several years.

Eurozone four leaders agree economic growth package

Euro's big four agree growth plan
Germany, France, Italy and Spain have prepared a budget of 130bn-euros (£ 104bn, $ 163bn) for the economic recovery in the euro area. Also discussed the possibility of eurobonds and also a number of strategies to be implemented.

Friday, June 22, 2012

The Secret

The Secret is a best-selling 2006.
It is a book that presents laws of attraction. The emphasis is on thinking and how they afecteeaza what happens in our lives.
An enjoyable read that can change the way you perceive events in your life.
Author: Rhonda Byrne

What They Don't Teach in Business School about Entrepreneurship

What They Don't Teach in Business School




Thursday, June 21, 2012

How to make money

There are 3 ways to make money in life. You change your time on money. (practiced by 80% of world population) 2 - invest money to make money. (15% of world population) 3 - Invest time to make money. (5% of world population). The percentage you fall you? :)

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Latest Domain-Name Gold Rush

If ever there were areas like Internet ..... com, now wants an expansion of areas. This can lead to. Hotel. The Expansion That Could mean the owner of a smoothie shop in Miami or who Could not afford Obtain the domain name "" for less. This initiative comes from ICANN.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Top 10 Mistakes Made by Entrepreneurs

Mistakes Made by Entrepreneurs

Doug Richard- 2 Surviving and Thriving

Doug Richard

Surviving and Thriving

Doug Richard- 1 Surviving and Thriving

Doug Richard

Surviving and Thriving

Start It, Sell It and Make a Mint

Joe John Duran-Start It, Sell It and Make a Mint

It presents the process through which a company from start up to market through a real case. An interesting book that is worth reading.
270 pages, 2006 year of publication.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Markets Deliver Sobering Response to Greece's Election

Response to Greece's Election

Greece got a little period of calm. Unfortunately, the same thing not happened with The rest of Europe. Spanish and Italian bonds and European stocks slumped on June 18 when the Greek pro-bailout Voters Gave Enough Political parties support to form the Parliamentary Majority.

Tony Robbins- The difference Between a Winner and a Loser

Tony Robbins

Tony Robbins Explains How To Focus

Tony Robbins

Six Secrets to Success Speech

Six Secrets to Success

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Facebook technology chief Bret Taylor to step down

Bret Taylor leaves Facebook

Nasdaq stock exchange brought revenues for shareholders Facebook. Although they announced a lawsuit filed by shareholders due to the fact that revenues were not properly divided. In addition, Bret Taylor leaves Facebook's chief technology position.

Ray Lewis Stanford Basketball

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Greek election is euro versus drachma

Elections in Greece have started to meet a dramatic change. It seems that the Greeks want to move the old drachma currency. Austerity measures imposed Greece came after financial aid awarded last helped by 130bn euros.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Sara Blakely of SPANX Speaks at The Edge Connection

Retailer Carrefour to sell stake in Greek joint venture

Economic situation in Greece has led French ritail chain to consider a withdrawal of Carrefour stores in this country. This decision comes as a concern regarding the possibility of out of Greece in the Euro.
Carrefour is selling to partner Marinopoulos and will take about 220m euros (£ 179m, $ 278m) on the hill.

There are major problems for Global Bond announced

Hard times are announced for government securities in the U.S., Germany, United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and Australia have declined.
Government securities managed by Group of Seven nations (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the U.S.) HAS fallen to 1.23 Percent as of June 12, from 3 Percent in 2007.
As economic problems in the euro market and unexpected Unemployment rate in U.S. led to a new economic settlement.

Dr. Farrah Gray: Find Out Why You Were Born

Farrah Gray is an American businessman, investor, philanthropist, author, syndicated columnist, and motivational speaker.

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